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  • 牛牛抢庄游戏:外籍访问教师-Stefan Weishaar

    发布时间:2017-07-24    更新时间:2017-07-24


    Stefan Weishaar


    Email: s.e.weishaar@rug.nl




    课程学分: 1学分


    Asian Studies

    Constitutional Law, Administrative Law & Tax Law

    International & European Law


    Law and Economics, Climate change Law (in particular Emissions Trading Design, Linking, Allocation and Competition), Competition law and Public Procurement in EU, China and Japan

    Curriculum Vitae

    Dr. Stefan Weishaar M.Sc., LL.M. (1976) is Associate Professor of Law and Economics at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. He has been awarded a Nucleus grant to set up a research group on International Linking of Emissions Trading Systems.

    After graduating in International Economics (drs. / M.Sc.) (specialization: Competition and Regulation) he also obtained an LL.M. in Comparative, International and European Law (specialization: Globalization and Economic Regulation) from Maastricht University. He was awarded his Ph.D. degree in December 2007 for the Law and Economics Analysis of the European Green House Gas Emissions Trading System: Allocation and Competition from his alma mater.

    Before coming to Groningen Stefan Weishaar has been working as Assistant Professor (tenured position) at Maastricht University and participated in various Law and Economics research projects together with the Metro Institute for Transnational Legal Research and the Institute for Globalization and International Regulation, focusing on the interaction between Competition law and the environment and on Competition law proper. He published widely in international academic journals such as the European Journal of Law and Economics, the European Environmental Law Review, and the European Competition Law Review, and has been participating in conferences worldwide.

    Stefan Weishaar’s research interests include Economic analysis of law, particularly regarding Emission Trading Systems and Competition, Public procurement, and Competition law aspects in Europe and Asia.


    China Europe School of Law Research Grant: ‘Market Integration: the EU Experience and Implications for Regulatory Reform in China’ (2013-2014): 42.000. Public sector: Dr. Philipsen, Prof. Faure, Dr. Weishaar, Prof. Zhang, Prof Xi, Prof. Zhang, Dr. G. Xu

    Chinese Ministry of Education, Visiting professorship for Weishaar to teach and conduct research at the Central University of Finance and Economics, (2013) 30.000 RMB (Prof. Wu, Dr. Zhang, Dr. Weishaar)

    Nucleus personal grant: ‘Linking of Emissions Trading Systems’ (2011-2016). 5 Year position plus financing for two Ph.D. positions: 750.000. Public Sector: Dr. Weishaar

    CARICOM: Consultancy to develop undergraduate level curricula and implementation strategies for the teaching of Competition Law/ Policy and Industrial Organization/Competition Economics in selected CARICOM Universities, public funding, CARICOM Secretariat (2010 - 2011). Project amount: not to be revealed. – IGIR, IBF, Dr. Weishaar

    Dutch Ministry of the Environment: Economic instruments for sustainable wood production, public funding, (2008) Project amount: not to be revealed, project with CE Delft, Prof. Van den Bossche, Prof. Backes and Dr. Weishaar

    Consortium of Dutch industries, Trade law aspects of Emissions Trading Systems, private funding, (2007) Project amount: not to be revealed, project with Prof. Peeters, Dr. Prevost, Dr. Weishaar and Malathouni

    KNAW, EU-China European Studies centres programme, Subproject ,Competition in Europe, partially internally founded, public funding, (2006) Project amount: not to be revealed, project with Prof. Faure, Prof. Song and drs. Weishaar

    Consortium of Dutch industries, Emissions trading and equal competition (2004 - 2006), private funding, Project amount: not to be revealed, project with Prof. Faure, Prof. Peeters, and drs. Weishaar



    Weishaar (2014), ‘Emissions Trading Design: a Critical Overview’, Edward Elgar, (forthcoming February 2014)

    Weishaar (2013), ‘Cartels, Competition Law and Public Procurement: Law and Economics Approaches to Bid Rigging’, Edward Elgar, pp. 352

    Weishaar (2009), ‘Towards auctioning: the Transformation of the European Greenhouse Gas Emission Trading System – Present and future challenges to Competition law’,Kluwer Law International, pp. 272

    Weishaar (2007), ‘Law and Economics Analysis of the European Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading System: Allocation and Competition’, Ph.D. dissertation, Maastricht University, pp. 249

    International (refereed) journals

    Weishaar, Woerdman (2012), Auctioning EU ETS Allowances: An Assessment of Market Manipulation from the Perspective of Law and Economics, Climate Law, Vol. 3(3)

    Weishaar, Woerdman (2012), Does Auctioning Emission Rights Avoid State Aid? Empirical Evidence from Germany, Carbon & Climate Law Review, Vol. 6(2), pp. 114 – 127

    Weishaar (2010), China’s Public Procurement Regime – Comparative and Theoretic Insights, Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, Vol. 17(4), pp. 406 – 441

    Weishaar (2010), Auctions – the solution to windfall profits and end of all State aid problems?, Amsterdam Law Forum, Vol. 3(1), February 2010

    Peeters, Weishaar (2009), Exploring Uncertainties in the EU ETS: ‘Learning by Doing’ continues beyond 2012, Carbon & Climate Law Review, Vol. 1, pp. 88 – 101

    Weishaar (2008), Germany v. Commission: The CFI on ex-post adjustments under the EU ETS, Review of European Community & International Environmental Law, Vol. 17(1), pp. 126 – 129

    Weishaar (2007), CO2 emission allowance allocation mechanisms, Allocative efficiency and the environment: A Static and dynamic perspective, European Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. 24(1), pp. 29 – 70

    Weishaar, Milaj (2007), Albanian State aid legislation and coherency with EC legislation, Albanian Journal of Politics, Vol. 3(1), pp. 45 – 65

    Peeters, De Cendra de Larragán, Weishaar (2007), Perspectives on the fundamental choice between “cap and trade” and “credit and trade”, European Energy and Environmental Law Review, Vol. 16(7), pp. 191 – 202

    Weishaar (2007), The European CO2 Emission Trading System and State Aid: an assessment of the grandfathering allocation method and the performance standard rate system, European Competition Law Review, Vol. 28(6), pp. 371 – 381

    —National (refereed) journals

    Weishaar (2012) Grenzen aan de vormgeving aan nationale milieuwetgeving in het licht van staatssteun, Milieu& Recht, pp. 554 – 564

    Woerdman, Weishaar (2012), Knutselen met klimaatrecht inefficienci?nties in emissiehandel door industrielobby′s, Ars Aequi, Vol. 61, pp. 622-629

    Weishaar (2008), Ex-Post-Korrektur im Europ?ischen CO2-Emissionshandel: Auswirkungen der Rechtsprechung für Deutschland, Zeitschrift für Europ?isches Umwelt- und Planungsrecht, Vol. 3, pp. 148 – 151

    Weishaar, Milaj (2007), Ligji p?r konkurrenc?n n? Shqip?ri dhe koherenca e tij me acquis communautaire: aplikimi i p?rbashk?t i neneve 3(g), 10(2), 81 dhe 82 tё Traktatit tё Komunitetit Europian (Albanian Competition law and consistency with the acquis communautaire: the joint application of the Articles 3(g), 10(2), 81 and 82 EC Treaty), E Drejta Parlamentare dhe Politikat Ligjore, Vol. 6, pp. 4 – 27

    Weishaar, Milaj (2006), Legjislacioni i Komunitetit Europian p?r ndihm?n shtet?rore dhe r?nd?sia e tij p?r Shqip?rin? (State Aid legislation in the EC and relevance for Albania), Hylli i Drit?s, Vol. 4, pp. 73 – 84

    —Book chapters

    Weishaar (2014), Incentivising technologic change in emissions trading systems: the case of excess supply, Critical Issues of Environmental Taxation XIV, by Larry Kreiser et al. (eds.) Edward Elgar, forthcoming

    Weishaar (2013), Competition law and market integration – a European perspective in Faure and Zhang (eds.), The Chinese Anti-Monopoly Law, New Developments and Empirical Evidence, Kluwer Law International, pp. 325-350

    Weishaar, Tiche (2013), Hybrid emissions trading systems: what about efficiency?, in Faure and Guandong Xu (eds.), Using Economics to Improve Regulation: The Case of China, Routledge, pp. 221-239

    Weishaar (2012), Competition law at a cross roads? – The joint application jurisprudence after Lisbon, in Oosterhuis and Van Dongen (eds.), European Traditions: Integration or Disintegration?, Wolf Legal Publishers, pp. 109 – 131

    Faure, Weishaar (2012), The role of environmental taxation: economics and the law, in Milne and Skou Andersen (eds.), Handbook of Research on Environmental Taxation, Edward Elgar, pp. 399 – 421.

    Weishaar (2012), EU State Aid Law and National Climate Regulation, in Peeters, Stallwowrthy, de Cendra de Larragan (eds.), Climate Law in EU Member States: Towards national legislation for climate protection, Edward Elgar, pp. 89 – 109

    Weishaar, Woerdman (2011), New Auction Rules under the EU Climate Change Regime: Optimal Prevention of Market Abuse?, in Roggenkamp and Hammer (eds.), European Energy Law Report VIII, Intersentia, pp. 205 – 221.

    Weishaar (2011), The legal regime preventing predation in the People’s Republic of China: a Law and Economics analysis’, in Faure and Zhang (eds.), Competition Policy and the Regulation in China, Edward Elgar, pp. 303 – 327.

    Weishaar (2011), Administrative Monopolies, State Aid, Barriers to Entry and Market integration: Challenges for the Chinese Anti-Monopoly Law, in Faure and Zhang (eds.), Competition Policy and the Regulation in China, Edward Elgar, pp. 98 – 129.

    Weishaar, Woerdman (2010), Pros and Cons of Auctioning Emission Rights: A Law and Economics Perspective, in Roggenkamp and Hammer (eds.), European Energy Law Report VII, Intersentia, pp. 27 – 43.

    Weishaar (2009), Veilen van boeikasgasemissierechten: ingewikkelder dan men denkt!, Juridische aspecten van klimaatverandering, Vereniging voor Milieurecht, BJU publishers, pp. 59 – 71

    Weishaar (2008), The European Emissions Trading System: auctions and their challenges’, in Faure and Peeters (eds.), Climate Change and European Emissions Trading: Lessons for Theory and Practice, Edward Elgar, pp. 343 – 362

    Weishaar (2008), EU Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading and Competition Law, in Faure and Peeters (eds.), Climate Change and European Emissions Trading: Lessons for Theory and Practice, Edward Elgar, pp. 151 – 177

    Weishaar (2007), ‘CO2 emission allowance allocation mechanisms, allocative efficiency and the environment’, in Deketelaere (eds.), Critical Issues in Environmental Taxation IV, Oxford University Press, pp. 393 – 424
